What are the benefits of a dental bridge?

Are you currently evaluating different tooth replacement options due to one or more missing teeth? Our dentists in Ridgetown would like to share some advantages of dental bridges over dental implants and dentures.

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How does dental hygiene affect your overall health?

Good oral hygiene helps you keep your mouth healthy, preventing dental decay and gum disease. Here, our Ridgetown dentists explain how a healthy mouth can contribute to better overall health and wellbeing as well.

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Recovering from a Dental Crown Procedure

Our Ridgetown dentists describe what you can expect during your recovery from a dental crown procedure.

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The Importance of a Professional Dental Cleaning

Many people only visit their dentist when they feel pain or discomfort in their teeth and gums. Today our Ridgetown dentists explain why regular appointment for a professional cleaning is important even when you feel alright.

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Types of Dental Fillings

If you have a cavity that needs dental filling, there are different types of materials to do the job. Common fillings materials include amalgam, gold, porcelain and composite. Here, our Ridgetown dentists explain the differences among them.

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Flossing: is it really necessary?

Our Ridgetown dentists recommend you brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss once a day. But some patients choose to skip flossing for a number of reasons. Here, we explain why flossing is important and why you should avoid skipping it.

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New Patients Always Welcome

Are you looking for a dentist in Ridgetown? We are always happily accepting new patients at our dental clinic. Contact us to get started today. 

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(519) 674-2190